Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mothers, Miracles and Mortarboards

I had a different kind of Mother's Day last week. Our oldest daughter graduated from college. She has earned honors and awards in connection with her academic work, and is preparing her thesis for publication. Here is the kicker - She was offered a full time job with benefits last month, and begins work in the Honors College this week. A Humanities Major with full time employment in this economy. Now that's a miracle.
Our other daughter was able to take us to several exhibits where she has her artwork on display. We were able to see her works in progress in the studio. She shared with us her idea for a project that could impact millions of people. It might take time, and effort getting many people involved. All great things do. But she has it in her to be able to do this.
Another miracle in the making.
Each moment of being a mother has the potential of bringing great joy or deep heartache. There is nothing that can teach you more about love, forgiveness, repentance, trust, and enduring than connecting yourself completely to another life, unconditionally, for the rest of your life.
There is a risk that children will choose to turn away from all you have offered them. There is a risk that they will not forgive you for the mistakes you made (Yes, all parents make plenty of them). There is a risk they will choose to do things that will cause them pain, which causes you pain. There is a risk that others will hurt them, which hurts you.
It is very likely that you will do the best you can, and your children will grow up becoming capable adults. They will make mistakes, and forgive you for yours. They will go through difficult times, their own heartaches, and become stronger for it. They will remember that you use your days to learn and grow and try to make a difference in this world. They will see that they can settle for getting by, and be fine with a basic level of happiness, or they will realize that there is a greater joy and deeper love possible.
In other words, their life will unfold pretty much the way yours did.
Each Mother's Day tends to remind me of all this. Some reminders are painful, some joyful.
This year was no different. I don't know if I enjoy the joy that much more because I know the pain. I do know it is all part of me being a mother.
That is something I hope I never graduate from. There is always a higher degree to pursue.


Season and Isabella said...

Beautifully said - thanks for sharing that!

Bea said...

Hi Jody
Think I found the way to post my comments...
We can't email you anymore, our mails are blocked and come back
I love reading your blog
We hope Mike gets well soon
Pascal would surely feel the same if he couldn't practise taekwondo or running for a while (which in fact happened a few years ago and it was really hard on him!)
Mother's Day is last Sunday of MAy here....but you put it all into words so well. Thanks

Ilona Katalin said...

Hi Jody! wow it has been a very long time!
I have often wondered what you and your family have been doing and how all of you are! so I decided to look online and found your blog and reading it is such a delight! you write so well! I enjoyed reading about your adventures!

I sure wish we could have been closer back when we were roommates ... way back in Provo. Do you have news on Ginger? lost her address and couldn't find her yet!
I know your father passed on, so sorry for you all, I know how much he was loved by so many! I will always remember him as a kind man who made me feel welcome and at home! My shyness back then held me back some!

You have two cousins... Joshua, 26, and Zoltan 24, who is now in Provo! and got married a month ago. I would love to hear from you... please say hello to your mother, hope she is doing well -- she looks great in the picture and so do you...you are so alike...
Love Ilona Dako=Tolman (former Smith)

ps... funny how we are now closer in spite of not being so close... because I can really work on my creative nature now and have been doing so... will never forget our Halloween marathon of costume gory make=up with you!! xoxo

Jody England Hansen said...

Ilona, contact me through my website jodyenglandhansen.com You can leave your email on the email link there and it will be secure. Good to hear from you!